Malang city has long been a popular tourist destination due to its scenic natural beauty and cool urban atmosphere. But did you know that one of the highlights of Malang is its delicious cuisine? Malang cuisine is more than just food, but also a reflection of the city’s culture and history.
Uniqueness of Malang Culinary
Malang’s culinary specialties have their own uniqueness that distinguishes them from other regions. Here are some foods that are the main attraction for tourists, among others:
- Bakso Malang: A beef-based dish with a variety of typical fillings.
- Rawon Dengkul: Besides being savory and sweet, the use of tender dengkul meat further enriches the taste.
- Nasi Pecel Kawi : With very simple ingredients and a splash of peanut sauce, this Malang culinary has a very extraordinary taste.

Potential of Culinary Tourism as a Tourism Attraction
Culinary tourism is not only a current trend, but also a driving force with tremendous potential for further development of the tourism sector. With various traditions from generation to generation, culinary wealth is an invaluable asset and can be a magnet for domestic and international tourists. Culinary tourism not only fulfills basic needs, but also impacts all the senses and provides an exciting experience for tourists.
Culinary Tourism Development Strategy in Malang
To further optimize the potential of culinary tourism, the use of social media, blogs, and influencers can introduce culinary tourism in the city of Malang. In addition, working with travel agents to include culinary tours in their tour packages can also optimize the development of culinary tourism in the city of Malang. As well as collaboration between the government, business actors, academics, and the community is very important to create synergy and realize Malang’s potential as a superior and sustainable culinary tourism destination.

Culinary tourism plays an important role in the development of tourism in Malang City. With its unique culinary specialties, support from other tourism sectors, and the right development strategy, culinary tourism has the potential to become one of the main attractions that will boost regional economic growth and increase the number of tourists to Malang. Therefore, synergy between the government, culinary industry players, and the community is needed to further develop the city’s culinary tourism sector.